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Zilverpine > 22:09:06 Combat Group of 800mm Repeating Artillery II hit Imperial Navy Delta II Support Frigate Wreck &lt;OBSD&gt;(Amarr Small Wreck) for 1854 damage*facepalm* >.<
Zelazny Harper > minmatar in disguise ?
Zilverpine > nono, im open minmatar ^^
Zelazny Harper > good
Zelazny Harper > now can i borrow a roll of ducttape ?
Zilverpine > i use chewinggum these days :o
Zelazny Harper > ooh fancy
Zelazny Harper > T2 minny ship then i assume :P
Zilverpine > yeah!
Zilverpine > purple bubbles!
Zelazny Harper > aha i have figured out what exact ship then :P
Zelazny Harper > Broadsword :P
Zilverpine > lol xD
Zelazny Harper > didnt know that was how minny made dictor bubbles thou...
Zelazny Harper > makes sense in the end
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