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Fatwatai > Dude,...
Fatwatai > Note.
Fatwatai > That thing is being tanked...
Fatwatai > BY A HEAVY DRONE. With Logi support.
Jhaelin Anarise > Motherfucker killed my drone.
Jhaelin Anarise > Hmm. Maybe not
Fatwatai > Heavy Drone.
Fatwatai > Tanked a battleship.
Fatwatai > You win at EVE now.
Vizagrim > I'm sorry... BUT.... LMMFAO
Jhaelin Anarise > But it's not responding to my commands. Hmm.
Stelios Alexis > You win a free internet. Don't spend it all in one place.
Fatwatai > It can't hear the commands over the sounds of how awesome it is.
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