Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
Rhodin Lazarith > baxx and I are going to hell
Ryan Brabovski > ?
Rhodin Lazarith > theres a noob being an idiot in lowsec
Rhodin Lazarith > coaxing people to shoot him
Ryan Brabovski > omw
Rhodin Lazarith > no
Rhodin Lazarith > hes gone
Rhodin Lazarith > its part of the story
Rhodin Lazarith > so
Ryan Brabovski > oh
Rhodin Lazarith > he dies a couple of times
Rhodin Lazarith > then eventually baxx and I gang him and take him to a wormhole in the same system
Rhodin Lazarith > jump through
Rhodin Lazarith > he warps off without bookmarking the wormhole
Rhodin Lazarith > we kick him from gang
Rhodin Lazarith > and leave
Rhodin Lazarith > no more annoying guy
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