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Joseph Boeing > Q?
Joseph Boeing > in the Market what are clones under?
Viceroy > they aren't
Viceroy > they're under the medical tab
Joseph Boeing > o
Viceroy > in the station
Joseph Boeing > right
Maestra Jsun > Go to the Medical center at a station.
Maestra Jsun > Late as always...
Joseph Boeing > but I want to find a station that has better clones than this one
Joseph Boeing > so I was looking in the market
Viceroy > all stations have the same clones
Viceroy > you can pick from the list
Joseph Boeing > hmm,there are more than just basic clones out there
Joseph Boeing > I know that
Maestra Jsun > Buy one according to your skill points. No sense getting uber grade if you only have 100k or so points.
Joseph Boeing > right thats my point
Joseph Boeing > there are different types
Joseph Boeing > but this one only has poor ones
Joseph Boeing > so Im trying to find a station that sells good ones
Joseph Boeing > and I cant find them in the Market
Joseph Boeing > so how would I know which stations had GOOD clones
Tairos Hakonnus > ^^
Maestra Jsun > Pull up people and places, select search station, and go through the list hitting info. Visit all the stations with MEdical facilities.
Joseph Boeing > thanks Maesta
Joseph Boeing > Jsun
Maestra Jsun > yep
.time passes.
Joseph Boeing > btw for those who don't know(I didn't)you dont go find a station that has better clones,you upgrade the one you have,at the station you are at.
Joseph Boeing > <--wide eyed nOOb
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