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Lucius Britannia > hey jypsie. how are you?
Jypsie > Doing well, just getting started for the night
Lucius Britannia > awesome
Lucius Britannia > I'm running a mish with my gf
Jypsie > is that what you two call it now? :P
Lucius Britannia > that's the best kind of mission.
Lucius Britannia > No aggro
Lucius Britannia > lots of loot
Lucius Britannia > we're talking faction loot
Lucius Britannia > and the standing is the best
Lucius Britannia > or laying down whichever you prefer
Lucius Britannia > Once you get docking rights, it's all good from there
Lucius Britannia > it's really great when you fit a sensor booster
Lucius Britannia > and hardners are a MUST
Jypsie > definitly
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