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Talvu > Katsu the last person I take aboard any of my ships is a Hobo, all they do is constantly beg you for money while stinking up the place.
Katsu Masanori > hahaha
Katsu Masanori > but they are such cute little fellows out there cavorting in space playing tag
Isabella Nevsky > tag!
*Isabella Nevsky tags Katsu
Katsu Masanori > tags Isa back
Katsu Masanori > yells no tags back
Isabella Nevsky > no tag backs!
Katsu Masanori > you were too slow
Katsu Masanori > so you got it nwo
*Isabella Nevsky cries
Isabella Nevsky > no fair
Katsu Masanori > don't cry Isa, just tag Talvu, he's a big tough miner
*Isabella Nevsky tags Talvu
Katsu Masanori > he can take it
Isabella Nevsky > no tag backs
Isabella Nevsky > lol
Katsu Masanori > can't tag me Talvu, I've been tagged already
Talvu > acquires target launch on Isabella, deploys 5 ogres and gives the sick em command.
Katsu Masanori > hahaha
Katsu Masanori > can't tag her back either
Katsu Masanori > find a new toon to tag
Talvu > who said anything about tagging >:)
*Hiro Strike uses Target Painter on everyone in the area. "TAG!"
*Isabella Nevsky hides behind a very large Concord ship
Katsu Masanori > hahaha
Talvu > well shi.....CONCORDED
Hiro Strike > Now listen closely for F16 dropping a surprise
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