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Friedhofsgirl > whats the best way to open a bottle of wkd with no bottle opener?
Friedhofsgirl > cant seem to prise it open with scissors
Ari Gallish > use your teeth
McBarnacle > use your teeth
Ari Gallish > lol
McBarnacle > ur young enough
McBarnacle > hehe
McBarnacle > well said Ari
Friedhofsgirl > never thought of that
authochthonian > or get a hammer...
Friedhofsgirl > dont really want glass everywhere.
McBarnacle > if ur clever u can use the edge of a table and just knock the bottle top off
authochthonian > do it outside ^_^
Anna Book > What mcb said, table edge ftw
Ari Gallish > or the back end og a table knife
McBarnacle > this is an important subjct matter after all
authochthonian > well if your going to be sensible then yeah, what he said
Ari Gallish > *of
Friedhofsgirl > to be honest, i think ill just go downstairs and get the bottle opener :S
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