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*Alexander Nocturnes casts Life Siphon, Parasitic Bond, Suffering, Soul Leech, Life Transfer, and Unholy Feast on said cruisers, whiping them from existence.

*Lefia watches the cruisers laugh at alex because they do not believe in magic and thus it does not effect them.

Alexander Nocturnes > well then, I don't believe in Lefia, so she must not be there.

Lefia > no, it means I have no effect on you... not that I do not exist

Alexander Nocturnes > eh, same thing

Alexander Nocturnes > if, for instance, you touched me, but I believed you didn't exist, then that touch wouldn't effect me, which means you didn't actually touch me, which means you actually weren't there

* Alexander Nocturnes emote casts Faintheartedness on Lefia for 37 seconds, and watches Lefia suffer from health degeneration of 3

Lefia > Ahh, but if I were to say stab you, then you would not be stabbed, which means neither I nor the knife, nor anything that I touched exist... so if I touched you then you must no longer exist.

Alexander Nocturnes > yup

Alexander Nocturnes > which is fine with me, I'll still be in another dimension.
Lefia > Wow, I have the power to make things cease to exist... most excellent.

Alexander Nocturnes > and probably a lot cooler, too.

* Lefia touches alex's dimention.

Alexander Nocturnes > can't. in different dimensions things are different. only in this dimension can you make things cease to exist.

* Lefia touches a coplaner outer loop dimention encompasing many inner dimentions which include both the current and alex's dimention.

Alexander Nocturnes > I, on the other hand, have the power of Disco Drop in the closest dimension. Everytime I do the Thriller, girls fall over and are stunned to the floor.
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