creditt > how long would you say it takes before you start to understand Eve and understand what to do?
EmulsionG1 > id say about a year
Tenora Loran > I'd agree with a year
Ser Whiteshield > depends on yourself i think
creditt > would you say world of warcraft is more confusing?
Tenora Loran > ahahaha
Tenora Loran > WoW is to EVE as Barney the Dinosaur is to Paleontology
EmulsionG1 > id say about a year
Tenora Loran > I'd agree with a year
Ser Whiteshield > depends on yourself i think
creditt > would you say world of warcraft is more confusing?
Tenora Loran > ahahaha
Tenora Loran > WoW is to EVE as Barney the Dinosaur is to Paleontology