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HeLlRaIzA666 > he is very rich by sounds of it
Frank Horrigan > he has an auto targeting system on it
Frank Horrigan > guess i missed that
HeLlRaIzA666 > they are good
HeLlRaIzA666 > targets ceptors in 5 secs instead of 15 +
Frank Horrigan > 4 dread bcus and a dread co processor
Frank Horrigan > seriously?
Frank Horrigan > thats nice..
Frank Horrigan > shoud get one
Frank Horrigan > takes me like 30 seconds to lock the things
HeLlRaIzA666 > but in deadspace it dont work to good
Frank Horrigan > y?
HeLlRaIzA666 > it targets clouds in deadspace lol
Frank Horrigan > ROFL
Frank Horrigan > wtf!
Frank Horrigan > "Computer: The cloud could be hostile sir I recomend we target it."
HeLlRaIzA666 > lol
HeLlRaIzA666 > u could put it like that
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