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Tiberius Wenchel > No one ever answered my semen question.
Uraniae Fehrnah > ....semen question?
Morwen Lagann > Tib, ask your Vegan Shaman or whatever you guys go to for guidance :p
Tiberius Wenchel > I'm not a vegan.
Morwen Lagann > ... Okay, ask a vegan shaman, etc.
Tiberius Wenchel > I have considered it though, and would like to know if I would be able to swallow semen.
Louella Dougans > it's probably ok
Kalaratiri > It's all natural!
Repentence Tyrathlion > /emote is a vegan and has been asked this before
Morwen Lagann > lmao
Louella Dougans > the logical extension of it not being OK would be the extinction of humanity
Alizabeth Vea > Whoa
Norrin Ellis > This conversation has turned kinda gross.
Alizabeth Vea > full stop
Repentence Tyrathlion > I never bothered to work out an answer, mind.
Louella Dougans > cos of mulk
Louella Dougans > anywayz
Tiberius Wenchel > I think probably no, unless it was your own.
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