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DeeeBo > o/
Tisme Umid > o/
jih chop > Peoples!
jih chop > Peoples am heres!
jih chop > YAY!
jih chop > also. o/
DeeeBo > hello
jih chop > hi!
jih chop > ok guys
jih chop > I have a serious problem that I need your help/advice with
Tisme Umid > i`m listernibg
Tisme Umid > listerning*
jih chop > I have 2 bisuits left, but only enough gravy for one
jih chop > *biscuits
jih chop > and by biscuit I mean of course, BISCUIT! not a friggin cookie!
Tisme Umid > " The American Language" = Like English only wrong
DeeeBo > nope, we just made it better =)
jih chop > the English language, archaic and obsolete, the american language, evolved to perfection
jih chop > an example:
jih chop > the guy who cuts you off in traffic: asshole
Tisme Umid > Unfortuanatly the word is spelt ARSE
Tisme Umid > always was always will
Tisme Umid > :P
jih chop > the politician who just raised your taxes so his brother's-in-law construction company can build you county/territory/area a new bridge it doesn't need: asshole
jih chop > the present, former, and future president: asshole
jih chop > etc etc etc
jih chop > but not you folks
Tisme Umid > lol
jih chop > you have tosser
jih chop > wanker
jih chop > git
jih chop > limey
jih chop > chav
Tisme Umid > yank
jih chop > ROFL ROFL ROFL
DeeeBo > so what's a yankee?
jih chop > well done
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