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Foomanshoe > precusuin ammo is almost a must for frigates
Foomanshoe > fortunately spelling isnt
Needsleep000 > lol i read that as percussion
Foomanshoe > Nova Precision Heavy Missile is a must for frigates
Needsleep000 > yeah i know what you meant, but i pictured you with drums
Foomanshoe > you have no idea what i look like how can you picture me with drums
Needsleep000 > i pictured an apoc with drums
Foomanshoe > im in a tengu
Needsleep000 > i know, but i was imagining you in a apoc with drums
Foomanshoe > you seeing me nekkid too cause your freaking me out
Anvyl Ironstryke > lol
Needsleep000 > wait how did you find out about that
Anvyl Ironstryke > no he can't see your naked. your curtains are in the way.
Foomanshoe > well i may have on no pants but im not nekkid
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