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<Arthur> btw Kayosoni that girl on the screenshots has way to long legs imo
<Arthur> looks really weird
<Arthur> legs are like 2/3 of her body
<Kayosoni> arthur, shush :/
<Kayosoni> why must you call me bad looking?
<Levin> uhh
<Levin> its a video game?
<Arthur> lol
<Levin> vina isnt real kayo
<Levin> relax
<Kayosoni> stfu
<Arthur> Kayosoni: you look fat with those panties!
<Levin> lol
<Kayosoni> I can see my panties again
<Levin> does this staff make my ass look big?
<Kayosoni> with the new armor models
<Kayosoni> it's awesome
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