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Onyxalia La'fiette > thankfully alex is a good sport about abuse
Onyxalia La'fiette > <3
AlexieStukov > wouldent be any fun if i werent.
Onyxalia La'fiette > nope it would be very one sided
Onyxalia La'fiette > and thats only fun for me
AlexieStukov > lol
Onyxalia La'fiette > im glad you can benefit from my abuse as much as me
Onyxalia La'fiette > <3
AlexieStukov > ive goten use to your abuse.
Onyxalia La'fiette > its like riding a bike
Onyxalia La'fiette > even when you been gone a long time, im still gonna shove you off the fucker point and laugh and run away, and youre gonna be happy about it
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