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Anshio Tamark > wow... 80 seconds to lock onto a frigate...
Kosetzu > Flying your dominix or?
Anshio Tamark > Nope. Drake
Anshio Tamark > Domi is on my other account
Kosetzu > So, dampening then
Anshio Tamark > yup
Anshio Tamark > well, it gave me time to reload my launchers
Kosetzu > Should use drones for the frigs
Anshio Tamark > Hard to do when I didn't have them locked.
Kosetzu > Drones autoaggro
Kosetzu > if set to agressive
Anshio Tamark > Yeah. But they went for the wrong target.
Anshio Tamark > so I couldn't re-direct them
Anshio Tamark > Well, at least my shields are stable
Kosetzu > Well, drones have always been the dumbest AI in the game
Kosetzu > Controlling them is like trying to make some kid who can't hear or see pick up a stone and put it on a shelf
Anshio Tamark > hehe
Anshio Tamark > speaking from experience or just guessing?
Kosetzu > Experience, very much
Anshio Tamark > ... I'm not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing...
Kosetzu > Me neither tbh :P
Anshio Tamark > at least there's some merit to your claim...
Kosetzu > Used to fly a domi and myrm so I've got experience with droneboats
Anshio Tamark > I was actually more concerned about the part with the deaf and blind child...
Kosetzu > ohh well... that is more guesswork :D
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