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Vaun Erryk > There have been a collection of RPers who have used their characters to fulfill RL fantasies and yeah it's caused weirdness on many levels
Kelsy Talan > Well, isn't that part of RP, essentially? I'd love to fly a spaceship.
Vaun Erryk > oh yeah I mean like the weird wishes
Kelsy Talan > Where all of your extremeties become penises and you engage in group sex like that?
Kelsy Talan > Because that would be weird.
Vaun Erryk > My arms are penises with hand prostheses on the ends just for this sort of situation.
Verone > I just have a cthulhu of penises between my legs for such situations
Verone > Most of them are however bruised and bleeding, from thrashing and slapping eachother due to my constant state of arousal
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