Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
<@neb|drunk> - #4 No public or private channels that trade in warez or sexually related content
< Coaster> okay, okay :P
< Coaster> I get the point
< Coaster> albeit, this channel breaks the latter rule on a daily basis...... :P
* Kurenin|out anally rapes neb|drunk
<@neb|drunk> ouch :/
< Kurenin|out> :(
<@HellGremlin> Silly. Everyone knows Auroras have no rectums.
< Kurenin|out> oh?
* neb|drunk hugs his JD
<@HellGremlin> Yeah, their diet is comprised mostly of whiskey, which evaporates, and fairy dust which is magical and
therefore does not need to be excreted.
< Daakkon> shit comes out of their mouth
< Daakkon> ^_^
-!- Daakkon was kicked from #eve-online by neb|drunk [faggit]
-!- Daakkon [Daakkon@84262B32.9AF8FCF9.4E5AEF48.IP] has joined #eve-online
<@HellGremlin> The polite term is "events"
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