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Terra Cirrus > i totally want a bob ross fro to store all of my stuff in
Terra Cirrus > jamming your entire life in a wallet is just no good
Hobo Magic > im gonna name my titan bob ross
Terra Cirrus > and here we are going to paint a happy little jumpbridge, its our secret jumpbridge of joy
Hobo Magic > going to need a little titanium hawhite to deal with these frigates
Hobo Magic > this happy little frigate, hes lonely
Hobo Magic > lets kill all his friends juuuuuuust like so
Hobo Magic > happy little doomsday
Terra Cirrus > and we are going to use the oldschool doomsday weapon to paint a stream of shipwrecks across the terrain. and on that terrain, ill use noctis blue and paint a happy boat that drifts ever so gently through that happy stream of wrecks
Terra Cirrus > and the amarrian titan "bob ross" will have his fro as the designated ship maintenance bay/fighter launch bay
Murella Furo > erebobross?
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