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Katrina Oniseki > Civire do not nurse their young using female breasts, but actually it is the males who hide nipples on their prodigious chins. These inverted nipples pop out during child-rearing years, allowing the male Civire to nurse his young.
Katrina Oniseki > This ensures that only the largest and strongest chins will produce healthy babies.
Katrina Oniseki > When Civire males are competing for breeding rights, they have been known to face off in an elaborate ritual dance. They'll dance circles around each other, and hold staring contests. The males will try to appear physically larger than their rivals
Katrina Oniseki > by holding their breath and forcing blood to their faces. This causes an immediate erection on all of their many chin nipples, which then pop out and stiffen, giving more volume to their face.
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