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<RayMc|BIG> i had a dream last night
<RayMc|BIG> that they nerfed the highway
<RayMc|BIG> and yulai to nonni was 30 jumps
<RayMc|BIG> and Amberion and Sheep were chasing me the whole way
<RayMc|BIG> and I had a tech II capacitor in my hold
<RayMc|BIG> and for some reason my ship kept on aligning slower and slower
<RayMc|BIG> then a racoon ate this moon i was warping past
<RayMc|BIG> and for some reason i could hear tony blair's voice
<RayMc|BIG> and he was telling me
<RayMc|BIG> to stop eating spicy pizza just before bed
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