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-> Xavi3r has joined eve-chaos
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: Xavi3r may now speak if the room is moderated
Xavi3r > • Thanks for the +v •
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: Xavi3r may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Runner > heh
Runner > you need to fix the script, the bot doesn't like beign thanked
DeODokktor > it will even devoice you if you say thanks for the +v at any time
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: DeODokktor may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Iorm > lol
Runner > rofl
Iorm high fives DeODokktor _o/ o_
Runner > thats a good feature
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: Xavi3r may now speak if the room is moderated
Xavi3r > • Thanks for the +v •
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: Xavi3r may no longer speak if the room is moderated
[BH]Bot sets user mode +v: DeODokktor may now speak if the room is moderated
DeODokktor > Xavi3r your silly.. you need to stop your script from saying thanks for the +v .. the bot is RUTHLESS..
[BH]Bot sets user mode -v: DeODokktor may no longer speak if the room is moderated
Mephysto > LOL
Iorm > oh lord
Term > lol
Arthur > jebus
Iorm rubs his eyes in disbelief
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