Individual Quote Control Panel
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Nova Strikes > anyway hows a Nova sposed to take down three BS i'd like to know
Nova Strikes > maybe two but three :P
Persia > heh
Persia > smash them with your enormous penis! :)
Toshuno Driana > Nice persia
Toshuno Driana > did you pick up one for me? :P
Toshuno Driana > arf :)
Persia > tech 2 :)
* Persia winks and nudges Tosh.
Nova Strikes > lol T2 penis
Bjoir Thorgrin > tech 2 penis??
NeoSphinx > perisa you put on auction that item?
* Nova Strikes lhao*
Nova Strikes > what the T2 penis
Persia > its still not as good as the named ones though
Nova Strikes > sorry sorry im stopping
Persia > Mizuro's modified penis
Bjoir Thorgrin > lol longer range and duration??
Nova Strikes > omg lomao
Persia > rofl
Bjoir Thorgrin > Oh there are named ones, should have known :P
NeoSphinx > lol
NeoSphinx > that's an officer one :P
HAWKEYES > anybody doing any mining
Nova Strikes > no to busy laughing at penis jokes
Bjoir Thorgrin > mining the deepths of bad taste mostly
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