Komisches > waking up to find you were sleeping in a puddle of your own sweat is bad
Teranika Phenyo > i want cold, rainy and dark
Sith Marauder > I can think of worse puddles to wake up in
Teranika Phenyo > snuggling under the blankets
Teranika Phenyo > depends on what the puddle acutally is
Teranika Phenyo > if it's urine, yes that is bad...the other, i can live with it
Komisches > cum puddle = bad; mud puddle = bad; blood puddle = bad
Komisches > piss puddle = sounds funny, probably bad
Sith Marauder > puke is the worst
Sith Marauder > especially when it's not yours
Komisches > aye
Komisches > more so if it's chunky
Teranika Phenyo > cum puddle = not bad, blood puddle = as long as it's not life threatening, not bad; mud, urine and puke puddle = bad
Sith Marauder > ah I've almost died, the amarr navy is killing me
Komisches > cum puddles are bad = cold and slimey
Teranika Phenyo > im a girl and i am fine with them
Komisches > i'm gay, what's your point? I hate lube puddles too
Komisches > why are we having this conversation?
Teranika Phenyo > lol, never had a lube puddle
Teranika Phenyo > dont know, just flowing with it
Sith Marauder > I have a towel on hand, I try not to make a mess
Teranika Phenyo > i want cold, rainy and dark
Sith Marauder > I can think of worse puddles to wake up in
Teranika Phenyo > snuggling under the blankets
Teranika Phenyo > depends on what the puddle acutally is
Teranika Phenyo > if it's urine, yes that is bad...the other, i can live with it
Komisches > cum puddle = bad; mud puddle = bad; blood puddle = bad
Komisches > piss puddle = sounds funny, probably bad
Sith Marauder > puke is the worst
Sith Marauder > especially when it's not yours
Komisches > aye
Komisches > more so if it's chunky
Teranika Phenyo > cum puddle = not bad, blood puddle = as long as it's not life threatening, not bad; mud, urine and puke puddle = bad
Sith Marauder > ah I've almost died, the amarr navy is killing me
Komisches > cum puddles are bad = cold and slimey
Teranika Phenyo > im a girl and i am fine with them
Komisches > i'm gay, what's your point? I hate lube puddles too
Komisches > why are we having this conversation?
Teranika Phenyo > lol, never had a lube puddle
Teranika Phenyo > dont know, just flowing with it
Sith Marauder > I have a towel on hand, I try not to make a mess