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Oakin > they do have pimping missions - i ferryed an exotic dancer across a system for an agent :)
xNashx > lol ive heard of transporting xrated holoreels
Iok Sototh > Pimping missions eh? I wonder if Hillary Clinton knows?
IcyFizzle > i want 3D pr0n
Aadahn > used to get that one fairly often.... agents, drugs sex and guns...
Kinran > XXX holoreels 4tw!!
Draziw Ehtbob > hmm... .I have some holoreels.... didn't check to see what the rating is...
Deryk Blacke > The big players make their own xxx holoreels. All it takes are 1000 homeless and a damsel . . . plus a handful of janitors to clean up afterwards.
xNashx > :o
Prospectre > Don't forget the marines...
Sleazy Cabbie > Yeah I'm sure the damsel appreciates being in a porn film with a bunch of homeless guys
xNashx > it doesnt get cleaned up
xNashx > no janitors
IcyFizzle > what do you think "toxic waste" really is??
Aadahn > sleazy, why do you think she spends all her time in a brothel?
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