Dark_Shikari: I just killed a badger with a mushroom
Levin: fuck you
Levin: dont ever mention that fucking flash
Levin: ever
Dark_Shikari: why
Dark_Shikari: It snakes through our brain, mushrooming in our thoughts, until all we think about is badgers.
NTRabbit: levin doesnt like it, so stop badgering him
NTRabbit: we dont want this thing mushrooming out of proportion
Levin: fuck you
Levin: dont ever mention that fucking flash
Levin: ever
Dark_Shikari: why
Dark_Shikari: It snakes through our brain, mushrooming in our thoughts, until all we think about is badgers.
NTRabbit: levin doesnt like it, so stop badgering him
NTRabbit: we dont want this thing mushrooming out of proportion