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Ralanar Nogred > you realize that I don't actually need help, with a destroyer, I pwn these missions :p I just sit in the station and forget eve is running a lot
Kaven Ashfall > oh I realize it D
Kaven Ashfall > I also realize you idle alot unless you have a playmate
Kaven Ashfall > so let's blow shit up
Kaven Ashfall > enk wanna leader him rq :p
Ralanar Nogred > do you further realize how wrong that sounds? :p
Virisech > such cutes
Kaven Ashfall > rofl
Kaven Ashfall > yes :p
Virisech > done
Virisech > man playmates are paid to prance, not to blow
Kaven Ashfall > silence!
Virisech > clearly
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