Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
<McKay> Hi, i'm a new player but I think i've run into something worth some isk.
<%Sham> yes
<%Sham> McKay, griefing people horribly?
<Kurenin> what, McKay
<SilentDragz> McKay - what is it?
<McKay> I was browsing escrow for good deals and saw something for 0 isk so i claimed it
<%Sham> HAHA
<McKay> It was a 1 run Caldari Navy Raven BPC
<Just_Smith> a navy isure raven?
<McKay> 1 run
<Kurenin> I will buy it
<Just_Smith> yep it's worth a lot
<Kurenin> for 200,000,000 isk.
* Karunel has joined #eve-online
<%Sham> lol
<Deme> 201,111,021
<%Sham> I'll buy for 250m
<McKay> ME20 PE8 it is, not quite sure whats that means tho
<SilentDragz> 300m
<%Sham> 325m
<SilentDragz> 350
<jaska> 302m :( (all i have)
<Kurenin> 400 ;[
<Deme> 201,111,021
<SilentDragz> 450
<McKay> I was told on trade channel its worth up to 1.4 billion, is that true?
<Deme> no
<Kurenin> no
<Hammer> no
<Deme> lies.
<%Sham> 475m
<SilentDragz> nope
<Kurenin> that's lies and slander
<Kurenin> 500m
<Hammer> its worth 0
<SilentDragz> 525m
<Deme> 519
* Sham sets mode: +b SilentDragz!*@*
<Deme> 5223
* Sham sets mode: +b deme!*@*
<Hammer> haha
* Sham sets mode: +b kurenin!*@*
<%Sham> 550 mil
<Tank-CEO> yes
<jaska> lol
<Tank-CEO> u got fuckin pwned u fgt nerd kurenin
<jaska> irc pvp.
<gota> roflette
<Tank-CEO> bahahaha
<Hammer> ahaha
<Tank-CEO> sham, u are teh win ya
<%Sham> ^_^
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