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<Pallantre> I'm hungry enough to eat a horse.
* Pallantre was kicked by HellGremlin (Pallantre - DO NOT MENTION THE FORBIDDEN ANIMAL (AUTO-KICK))
* Pallantre has joined #squirrelnutzippers
<HellGremlin> Hahahahahahahaha oh Jesus, I'm taking it out.
<Pallantre> turn that gay script off
<Pallantre> you know, we might be mentioning 'h0rse' a lot
* Pallantre was kicked by HellGremlin (Pallantre - DO NOT MENTION THE F0RBIDD3N 4NIM4L (AUTO-KICK))
* Pallantre has joined #squirrelnutzippers
<HellGremlin> Baahahahahahaa.
<Levin> LOL
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