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Martyr 01 > afternoon guys
Montolio > Hey
Rover Vitesse > hi bud
Martyr 01 > just wondering....
Martyr 01 > if you're moving at the speed of light....
Martyr 01 > ...and try to make a cup of tea....
Martyr 01 > ....will the kettle ever come to the boil? ;)
Rover Vitesse > well, at the speed of light mass is infinite
Rover Vitesse > soo
Rover Vitesse > take some chocolate biscuits
Martyr 01 > so no then lol
Martyr 01 > lol
Rover Vitesse > (hobnobs are good)
Rover Vitesse > who gives a fuck about your weight??
Martyr 01 > hmm...imagines a hand with infinite mass trying to lift and bite into a hobnob of infinite mass lol
Rover Vitesse > thats pretty far out
Martyr 01 > that's be one poor frustrated soul
Martyr 01 > *that'd
Rover Vitesse > and no cup of tea
Martyr 01 > aye :((
Rover Vitesse > however...consider a Fairy Cake
Martyr 01 > aaah yes
Martyr 01 > ...but at the speed of light that would have infinite gayness ;P
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