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Tessa Yor > Es catch up :)
Tessa Yor > we are on ts
esmerelda dump > trying
PaND3M0NiUM > dont tell me you can't catch up to a freighter :S :)
esmerelda dump > keep your pants on mate
PaND3M0NiUM > actually, i am pantless now... web cams ftw :)
esmerelda dump > i'm glad i cant see you then
terminalverlocit > pand how many times have I told you its not good to fly pantless what happens if you get into a reck
PaND3M0NiUM > playing eve nekked is teh way 2 go
PaND3M0NiUM > >:)
esmerelda dump > what happens if you shit yourself
esmerelda dump > then it goes everywhere man
PaND3M0NiUM > at least i never crap my pants... my chair: aye, but my pants: never
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