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oidrunner > heh heh. I read a funny joke. Computer programming is like sex. One mistake and you spend a lifetime supporting it.
ByuuSan > Lol!
ByuuSan > I don't get it
Loller Waffles > lol
Loller Waffles > do you work in programming void?
Voidrunner > yeah
Loller Waffles > cool, I'm a senior in computer science
Loller Waffles > I graduate in may 06
Voidrunner > gratz in advance
Loller Waffles > but I'm staying here and getting an MBA with it lol
Loller Waffles > nothing like an easy payraise degree
ByuuSan > lol
ByuuSan > im only 16, i don't understnad
Voidrunner > about sex or pay raises?
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