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Sergej > btw atan, what's the procedure for my acceptance as a full time member to jericho? you guys plan to have a meeting? just wanted to say that if it's up to me, after 12 days here I can say I like it
Viqer Fell > you have to perform a special task
Sergej > I'll bet 1 mil isk it somehow involves rubbing:P
Atandros > It involves canola oil, leather straps and my nipples.
marshall5 > if he says bend over watch out
Viqer Fell > and yes I'm sorry to say it involves Atandros, two large stoats, a small vat of vaseline and 3 hours of sweaty unpleasant messiness
Atandros > <i>Please, </i>monsieur. I am not so...crude.
Atandros > If you will pardon the pun. Aheh heh.
Sergej > nothing unplesent about that....
Sergej > :P
Viqer Fell > you haven't heard where he shoves the stoats yet
Sergej > well he does use vaseline, doesn't he?
Atandros > <i>Ooo-</i>oh! You have the right attitude, my boy!
Viqer Fell > erm yes but that;s for his hands which then go inside each stoat
Viqer Fell > its what he does next that'll sicken you
Leneerra > /emote flees the immagery
Sergej > I'll nick some vaseline extra then:P
Sergej > only fair we both get to have fun with it
Sergej > reciprocal vaseline use....
Sergej > might even do a preemptive strike there
Azure Skyclad > The order of Vaseline, Stoat and Atandros isn't set in stone...
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