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Kale Ryoko > You check how many minutes you've played?
Kale Ryoko > 286731 for me.
Nooey > Eeeep, lemme check.
Nooey >
Kale Ryoko > Scary to think eh?
Kale Ryoko > 286731 minutes of lost sex
Nooey > lol...she'd be a bit sore after all that tbh.
Kale Ryoko > I wouldn't use the same one obv.
Kale Ryoko > I'd use one for an hour
Kale Ryoko > Then move to the next
Kale Ryoko > Then another
Kale Ryoko > Then another
Kale Ryoko > Give the others 3 hours to recover
Nooey > o_0
Kale Ryoko > Then return back
Kale Ryoko > Kinda like chainsexing
Nooey > LOL
Kale Ryoko > I'd probly be out of ammo by the third though
Kale Ryoko > And need to regen my cap
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