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Exuscon > ok I have streamlined 12mil sp and im in a cruiser
Exuscon > I'll school ya 1 sec
Exuscon > you seriously wanna see what a specialised fighter sp will do in a cruiser?
Exuscon > come on dude im using Tach 2's with like 12 mil in electrical ,mechanic, weaps and nav
Exuscon > I'll pwn that overexttended BS like yesterday
Exuscon > you cant scramble me ,web might hurt a little I'll MWD outa your range
Exuscon > and Ill pick you to peices
Exuscon > lets go
port22 > u warped off
port22 > only noobs talk crap and run away
Exuscon > stfu skank
port22 > omg
Solarus > his 12m sp is obviously in Navigation
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