Individual Quote Control Panel
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Tolin Dorden > someone... remind me.... NOT to even think of attackin ppl or their pods in 0.5 and higher lol
Keefius > uh-oh./... lol
Sergentomyia > lol
Jenina Hawke > Tolin: Just don't :;D
Tai Wan > TD you love pirating
Chiyeko Tomisoshe > i dont even do that in 0.5 and lower
Tolin Dorden > managed to stop myself before aggressin
Chiyeko Tomisoshe > im more up to PVC
Sergentomyia > PVC??? kinky
Tolin Dorden > hmm... interrestin
Chiyeko Tomisoshe > uhm... thats Player Versus Creatures... not THAT PVC...
* The Groupie sits up in bed and looks at the ppl in the room
Sergentomyia > lol
Chiyeko Tomisoshe > °blushes°
Chiyeko Tomisoshe > now i never get that mark off...
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