Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
bumcheekcity > hi
garnandal > Hey would you like to buy a Caracal Navy Issue for 150m?
bumcheekcity > if it's packaged, yes
garnandal > Caracal Navy Issue [ingame link]
bumcheekcity > ah well, and here was me trying to catch a possible scammer
bumcheekcity > well, possibly
bumcheekcity > yes, go on
garnandal > interested?
garnandal > k 150m
bumcheekcity > k, repackage pls
garnandal > sry I cant it was my friends
bumcheekcity > because the object you have there is a NORMAL caracal
garnandal > OMG no wai
bumcheekcity > yes, you can, just right-click and hit repackage
bumcheekcity > and then type "format c:" at any nearby command prompt, and stick your head in a blender with the power on
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