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<SeverusSnape> In July 2003, Russell Weller, 88, made national news when he froze, with his foot on the accelerator, in Santa Monica, Calif., and plowed through a farmer's market, killing 10 people and injuring 63, in the worst of a recent spate of incidents in which senior citizens momentarily confuse the gas and brake pedals.
<SeverusSnape> there's gotta be some sort of bonus level for that
<Levin> umm
<Daakkon> k...
<Levin> is there some kind of competition to see how far ot we can get?
<Levin> because that would win
<Kaell|Qayos> yeah, i'd vote for that
* SeverusSnape bows
* Kaell|Qayos clap
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