Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
Ryuuka > you know i've been thinking
Oolong Caloophid > you wanna watch that
Ryuuka > since exceed is a corp (or corporation) and not a guild
Ryuuka > and we are it's members (or employees from the commercial world)
Ryuuka > doesn't that mean we should get paid?
topman324 > its too early to ask for xmas bonus's :P
konkord > ryuuka you know what?
konkord > you shouldnt think
Ryuuka > i know
Ryuuka > nasty habit
Isaak > yeah
Isaak > konk used to think
Ryuuka > i think i'll keep thinking
Isaak > we had to 'take care' of that
Ryuuka > thanks for the warning
Isaak > you can hardly see the scars now im told
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