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* Omber Zombie s back
Omber Zombie > run in fear and dread
Caya > i run in archon, is it anough?
Omber Zombie > it may save you, but i'm guessing not
Omber Zombie > unleash the roids of war
* Caya starts ro press all buttons in haste and panic.
Omber Zombie > fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the ebil side
Omber Zombie > Caya
Omber Zombie > I am your father
Caya > o.O
Caya > when i compare yours and my faces, i can be your grandfather :-P
* Omber Zombie chops off caya's hand
Omber Zombie > search your feelings
Omber Zombie > you know it is true
Omber Zombie > join me, and together we will rule the universe as father and son
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