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Jacob Etienne > i love how the terminator movies present an analogy of the tier/t2 system in EVE
Jacob Etienne > first movie - bad guy has a tier one terminator, good guy has tier one human with leet skills - good wins
Jacob Etienne > second - bad guy has tier 2 terminator, good guy has tier one terminator with leet skills, good guy wins
Promon Delnai > only in eve
Promon Delnai > T2 equipment = good skills
Jacob Etienne > third, - bad guy has tech 2 terminator, good guy has tier one terminator, who smartbombs the bad guy to death - good guy wins
Jacob Etienne > i = clevar.
Promon Delnai > never saw the third one
Promon Delnai > heard it was crap
Jacob Etienne > it was
Jacob Etienne > it was/is
Jacob Etienne > its true though
Promon Delnai > but your analogy doesnt work
Promon Delnai > because having T2 gear = having good skills, to use the T2 gear
Jacob Etienne > first one, bad guy brings terminator - basically a tough human.. second one, bad guy brings uber terminator which can make stabby weapons... third one, bad guy brings a terminator that can shoot things and make guns
Jacob Etienne > i said tier 2
Jacob Etienne > not tech II
Jacob Etienne > as in raven = tier II caldari BS
Jacob Etienne > its like in the first one, they brought a scorp back in time
Jacob Etienne > who got pwnt by a ferox with t2 gear
Promon Delnai > to fight a ferox
Jacob Etienne > second one, they brought back a raven, who got pwnt by a scorp
Jacob Etienne > third, they brought back a carrier
Jacob Etienne > who got pwnt by a smartbomb scorp
Promon Delnai > i wouldnt want to smartbomb a carreir to death
Promon Delnai > tahtd be tedious
Jacob Etienne > ok, the analogy breaks down there
Jacob Etienne > maybe a HAC instead of a carrier
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