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Jacob Etienne > thing is, in hurricane territory you can go looting
Jacob Etienne > cant loot in volcano territory
Jacob Etienne > because its all fucking roasted to ash
Ebon Ju > Jacob you're a true pirate
Meikathon > That's not a compliment.
Jacob Etienne > with luck, the body of a fat businessman with a large wallet lands on your front lawn
Ebon Ju > yes it is
Meikathon > Robbing isn't.
Dionin > Jake I hate to break it to you but the cargo scam doesn't work IRL :P
Jacob Etienne > i could make it work!
Ebon Ju > Yes it does
Jacob Etienne > you take something from a shop
Jacob Etienne > then when the guy chases after you
Jacob Etienne > you say, sorry, take it back
Jacob Etienne > then when he takes it back, you batter him senseless and take it anyway
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