Individual Quote Control Panel
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Ewan Grovatt > I need to find an Advanced Learning 99 implant, dammit
Ewan Grovatt > of course, I couldn't afford it
Ewan Grovatt > and meanwhile, Duchess is mining and raking in 3 mill evey half hour or so, and won't return my calls
Roadhouse > 3 mil per half hour? And still in Noobcorp?
Ewan Grovatt > (shh, nobody say anything, that was a trigger to see if she's paying attention)
Ewan Grovatt > (she really enjoys playing the 'ignore Ewan' game)
Roadhouse > He's crunching numbers on his webcam, for freaks like you that get off on it.
Roadhouse > "Oh, balance that equation, that's right"
Ami Seneschal > "Oh, REMAINDERS!"
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