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<Orkki> btw brerlapin i totally pwn you in eve i am the eve ruler :P
<BrerLapin|OnOp> I think our BoD will have something to say about that ;D
<Orkki> let them come i shall pwn them with my sharp tempest spearlike ship...
<AceOfSpace> i wouldn't wanna mess with a tempest. he has a technical team, you know
<Orkki> my tempest can pwn anything in the galaxy
<Orkki> expect tomb's ego perhaps
<Orkki> but it would be a close fight
<AceOfSpace> actually i'm quite jealous ;/ i wish i'd specialised in minmatar ships and projectiles
<AceOfSpace> they just look fun to me is all
<AceOfSpace> and i like to be different
<Orkki> i practice my projectiles on da ladies =}
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