Individual Quote Control Panel
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Xaeridan > I can see it now...Blood Ibis
Rod Pliskin > heh
Necricia > rofl
Atinra > Domination Minmatar Shuttle 4tw?
Necricia > :p that would be haw
Necricia > t
Xaeridan > lol
Atinra > or officer modified one with leather seats and built-in toilet
Necricia > lol
Atinra > scratch toilet....its fun to throw random shit at people near gates
Atinra > 'Oh heres a battleship! Bombs away!'
Drught > ew....
Atinra > yeah i know..nasty
Atinra > will bring to a need of a 's**t catcher' module.
Xaeridan > 'Sir, I have something incoming at fairly rapid speed on the appears to be....a....toilet?'
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