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<@[AmericanHero]work> exactly. even with shitty skills I dont have any problems
<@[AmericanHero]work> but that may or may not change
<@[AmericanHero]work> it's very easy to get it up
* @Milnoch|Work resists the urge to qupote that out of context
<@[AmericanHero]work> heh
<@[AmericanHero]work> skills are easy, even with a shitty cha
<@Tremek|wrka> it IS very easy to get up!
<@Tremek|wrka> Milnoch, can you not get it up?
<@[AmericanHero]work> i certainly have no problems
<@Tremek|wrka> Nor I.
<@[AmericanHero]work> we get it up together all the time!
<@[AmericanHero]work> ...
<@[AmericanHero]work> wai...
<@Tremek|wrka> ....
<@Tremek|wrka> noes.
<@[AmericanHero]work> =P
<@Tremek|wrka> :(
<@[AmericanHero]work> people always wondered what goes on in those leadership forums =P
<@Tremek|wrka> ... and the answer is: not that.
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