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Cybbe Firemind > Fuck, lol
Cybbe Firemind > I bought another analytical mind now, because I was thinking about that when I was picking out a skill to buy
Mike Yagon > lol
Mike Yagon > you are an idiot :D
Cybbe Firemind > Yeah :(
Cybbe Firemind > The best thing is
Cybbe Firemind > I look it up first under detail
Cybbe Firemind > And it's like 31.500. sure I can afford that.. (That was the right skill though), and then when I get out, I see the prce 45k, and I wonder a bit why it just suddenly had a 13k raise, but buy it anyway... Only to find out I was looking at the wrong skil...
Cybbe Firemind > LOL, I was about to buy one more *cries*
Trinidus > lol
Cybbe Firemind > Uh
Cybbe Firemind > I bought two learning, somehow though
Cybbe Firemind > How the fuck did I maange that ? D:
Cybbe Firemind > I'm not even drunk
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