Individual Quote Control Panel
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Istian Goss > Looks like I'm marching to war
Istian Goss > hope I don't get ganked
Azia Burgi > against who?
Istian Goss > ummm not sure......not our regular enemies...
Istian Goss > I just go for the red.....
Azia Burgi > heh
Azia Burgi > minmatar to the end
Azia Burgi > "who we fighting?" "dunno" "yAAAAR!!!!
Azia Burgi > "
Istian Goss > oposed to caldari whose first question is 'how much do I get paid?' or #would you be interested in purchasing my grandmother?'
Azia Burgi > yup yup
Azia Burgi > funny you should say that.... WTS: parents
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