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lucienne > hi guys
Hellspawn01 > hiya babe
lucienne > hi HS guess what....i suddenly found something in my hangar that does not belong to me, do you knpw how it got there? Or do i have to thank you endlessly?
Hellspawn01 > I know nothing about anything about your assets :)
Takeshi Kovachs > /emote whispers quietly "not what we heard"
lucienne > hmmm i would have invited the generous one over for a "tour" on my latest biggist hauling ship...the one with velvet seats and jacuzzi.
Hellspawn01 > an invite to your more "private" lounge was my guess :)
Takeshi Kovachs > is HS in Father Xmas mode??? If so can I have a Lachesis?
lucienne > Dont push youre luck! both of you! LOL
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