Individual Quote Control Panel
quote #
<&NTRabbit> !challenge Rhaegar
<@griefbot> ntrabbit has challenged rhaegar in a battle of stamina
<@griefbot> Both contestants step outside
<@griefbot> ntrabbit Breakdances
<@griefbot> ntrabbit is victorious. rhaegar's lewzer clock is set to 5m, 0s.
<@Rhaegar> !challenge NTRabbit
<@griefbot> rhaegar: Lewzers are not allowed to challenge. rhaegar's lewzer clock has been reset from 4m, 46s to 5m, 0s.
<@Rhaegar> I see.
<&NTRabbit> hahaha
* @griefbot has quit IRC ([] Local kill by Rhaegar (WHOS THE LEWZER NOW?))
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